Monday 30 July 2012

Leyburn 1940's Weekend

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This Sunday Jo, Ollie, Ben and myself took ourselves off up to Leyburn in North Yorkshire to attend the 1940's weekend.  We had all decided to get involved and dress up to enjoy it a bit more.  The whole village, shops, pubs and Restaurants all joined in and it had that authentic 1940's feel to it.  The shop windows even had tape on them to stop bomb blast!

There were hundreds of people in period costumes with live singers singing the 40's wartime classics, dancing in the streets, a parade and wreath laying event at the village war memorial.  There were many military vehicles on show and to cap it all the sun shone!

Before we set off it was decided Ollie and Ben would be London evacuees and dressed accordingly but as soon as we got to Leyburn they wangled a gun a piece out of us as only kids can "Dad, can i have that gun, I really really like it!" etc etc! and they transformed into French Resistence Fighters!

First point of call was popping into 'Rene's Cafe' on the corner of the square.  It was done up to look like the cafe from 'Allo Allo'.  When we went in we were greeted by the cafe owner who had done himself up to look like Rene complete with big bushy moustache and the waitresses had red and white stripey tops on - very Ohh la la!  I walked in and did my Red Butler impression from the film the Longest Day "Bonjour, Je sues American", and Rene replied with "Ah come on in Monsieur, and I see you have the French Resistance with you..quick..follow me to the back room before you are spotted" playing his part to the full!  We were off course led to the back dining room where we had a round of Coffee, Coke, Bacon sandwiches and a Croque Monsieur, and very nice it was too!

After that, Ben and ollie took up position at the road junction after I had given them orders to patrol it and they took great pleasure in shooting every German car (BMW's, Golfs, Mercedes) that happen to pass them by, much to the bemusement of some of the occupants lol.  They really did'bt take any prisoners.

Anyway - here's a few shots from the day..

Two London schoolchildren evacuees being driven to the relatively safety
of a peaceful and tranquil Leyburn...

Said children transformed into French Resistance!
I love the mean and moody looks lol  ollie looks like he could play
a leading part in Bugsy Malone!!

"Ollie...put gun down son.."

"Ben, if I can't shoot you, let's box!"

This Yank found himself a Limey floozie..
they'll do anything for some silks!

Taking it easy from defending the town..Ollie enjoying a coke (Dad, a Beer!)

"I like your hat Dad"

Rest over and Ollies decided to join the RAF!
"Smoke me a Kipper I'll be back for breakfast!"

"Follow me chaps, make Angels 1-5, bandits at 11 O'clock, ...chocs away!

"Now if i turn this left ..i can't see the ground anymore ..hmmm"

note the vintage cars in the background

My Limey floozie..

A Mexican stand off with the French Resistance..

Ollie protecting the entry to the village

The 'boys' manning the road block at the crossroads
those BMW's stood no chance!

On the steam train and my Floozie has a guard of honour!

"How am I doing Dad?"  Just fine son, just fine.

And a fine day was had by all....

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