Tuesday 8 March 2011

Thought for the day ....The Fermi Paradox

The Fermi Paradox - what is it?

I came across this during my research into Ufology.  Most of you know my views on the existence of extra terrestrial life and is a debate on it's own that cannot yet be won by either side of the argument.  It still amazes me that more people believe in Religion for example than the possibility of exta terrestrial life.  What of religion, of which there are over 40 main different religions in the world, so does that mean that some of them must be wrong? Can you have more than one omnipresent God? 

Most are based on what? what FACTUAL evidence is there?  Using Christianity as an example, isn't it based on collections of writings that were written over 300 years after Christs death...the Gospels, which contain many contradictions. Myths, twisted by time some might say like Chinese Rumours.  But where is the evidence?  Is Religion based on belief in faith, a belief based on stories?

On the other hand, believers in Ufology and the existence of other worldly entities might argue that there is more factual evidence for UFO's and therefore the argument is surely stronger?  What evidence?  Most will point to the millions of reported sightings since the dawn of man, from images of UFO's in Mayan and medieval art, images of 'UFO's in Egyption writings, all through history to the modern capturing of images from photographic material, radar traces, gun cameras on Air Force fighters etc.  The point being made that here, the argument for actually has 'evidence'.  The argument for also states that if there are for arguments sake, one million reported sightings then it only takes one of those to be true and the case is proven.  The odds appear to be in their favour? 

Just listen to Proffessor Cox in his latest tv series Wonders of the Universe and you will hear that there are 200-400 billion stars in the milky way and 70 sextillion (7x10 to the power of 22) in the visible universe. 
Even if intelligent life occurs on only a minuscule percentage of planets around these stars, there might still be a great number of civilizations extant in the Milky Way galaxy alone.

And this where the Fermi paradox comes in ...in essence it states 'the apparant size and age of the universe suggest that many technilogically advanced extraterrestrial civilizations ought to exist. However, this hypothosis seems inconsistent with the lack of observational evidence to support it'

A compelling paradox indeed...



  1. Come on you thickies...surely one amongst you has a thought on this area of debate. Let me know your thoughts and let's get a debate going..

  2. Are you suggesting a mass debate Mr S?

    Mr H.


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