Monday 8 August 2011

London's Burning

 London's burning, London's burning.
Fetch the engines, fetch the engines.
Fire fire, Fire Fire!
Pour on water, pour on water.

London's burning, London's burning.
Fetch the engines, fetch the engines.
Fire fire, Fire Fire!
Pour on water, pour on water.

London's burning, London's burning.
Fetch the engines, fetch the engines.
Fire fire, Fire Fire!
Pour on water, pour on water.
Pour on water, pour on water.
Pour on water, pour on water.

1 comment:

  1. Watching London on tv earlier and seeing the burnt out cars, the rubbish strewn streets, the marauding gangs of ethnics and general aggression and lawlessness it said that there were riots going on..? Funny that cos i drove through London just last month and it looked just liked that...and the month before..and the mont before....Admin.


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