Sunday 14 November 2010

Jack is coming..

If you listen carefully you can hear the whispers...

"Jack is coming, Jack is coming"
Scurry scurry goes the squirrel and his mate
Working, running, gathering nuts till late

"Jack is coming, Jack is coming"
Hawk the crowing of the crow
Time to leave before the coming of the snow

"Jack is coming, Jack is coming..."

The tired leaves begin to fall
At the beckoning of Winters call
The Summer sun has lost it's glow
Fox and vixen down tunnels will go

"Jack is coming, Jack is coming"

Bark the dogs, as the farmer chops his logs
The word is passed from cat to mouse and toad to frog

"Jack is coming, Jack is coming"

Robin is here in his finest red jumper
Watching the woodsman chopping his lumber
The mouse has moved house, he's under the floor
As little monsters with smiles trick and treat at your door

"Jack is coming..."

With dead icy ground, it's announced with a sneer
The icicles formed, it's the first of the year
The little boy through the window peers
Then rushes to tell his mother........ "Jack is here"


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